To apply my skills of visual design and interactive programming to systems involving information management, education, VR, science and chemistry.
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Organic, Inorganic, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Instrumental Analysis
ACS Inorganic Chemistry Student of the Year Award
Focus in microbial polymer degradation and polymer structural color
Bachelor of Science in Art and Design
Minor in Holography and Islamic Calligraphy
I bring a unique blend of skills to projects through customized solutions and applied research of existing platform capabilities, creating products that are intuitive to use and easy to maintain.
Platforms Laravel, AWS, GWT, Spring, LAMP, Custom
Languages PHP, JavaScript, SVG, Java, Lisp, HTML, CSS, XML, ColdFusion
Tools and Libraries jQuery, Ajax, d3, JSON, AWS CLI, Bootstrap, TinyMCE, Composer, Regex
WordPress WooCommerce, bbPress, Aweber integration, custom plugins and themes
Projects E-commerce, web services, event registration, embedded web servers, data integration
Architectures MVC, event subscriptions, networked device control
Languages PHP, JavaScript, Java, C++, Lisp, PostScript, VB, VBA, Perl, Omnimark, ColdFusion
Tools and Concepts Git, Docker, Composer, SVN, Mercurial, Bugzilla, Trac, Lucene, UML, OOP
IDE JetBrains PhpStorm and IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Sublime2, Emacs, Visual Studio
OS Mac OS X, Linux, Windows
Databases MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL, MS Access, ODBC, Filemaker Pro, Alpha5
Reporting Excel, Crystal Reports, Access Report Manager, Alpha5
Tools mysql CLI, phpMyAdmin, MySql Workbench
Microsoft VBA for Office, Excel Web and database integration, Word automation, Visio
Adobe Creative Suite: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Lightroom; PostScript (programming)
Specialties front-ends, legacy upgrades and modernizations, teaching
Interests node.js, mobile apps, Angular, python, NoSQL, mongoDB, CAD/CAM
Weaver Arcata, CA 2016-Present
Design and fabricate scarves using jack and counter-marche looms. Hand-dye protein and cellulose fibers, and utilize open-source draft software and Excel to aid in designs and dye calculations. Participant in Chico Flax farm-to-fashion regeneration project.
SewImages Oakland, CA 2010-2022 Local sewing shop offering sewing classes
WordPress/WooCommerce platform for sewing classes and products. utilizing custom plugins, themes, post types and JavaScript animations. Built earlier system using custom PHP framework and architecture, providing CMS with Excel extensions to upload and download data, and specialized checkouts to gather order specific information.
Diedrich Roasters, Incorporated Sandpoint, ID 2017-2019 Manufacturer of coffee roasting machines
Created Task Tracking system on iPads for employees to log factory hours by job and client, and provided web-based management tools to monitor and improve allocation of employee resources. Back-end and front-end including Excel exporting tools, written with Laravel, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and Composer command tools.
Healing Tao Usa 2016-2022
Conversion of perl-based legacy website to WordPress and WooCommerce, including forum migration and massive article transformation. Integration with AWS for digital download products. and Aweber for email and blog subscriptions. Continue to educate client for content generation and management.
TV-B-Gone 2004-present
Original creator of website with e-commerce, order fulfillment and reporting tools. Typical LAMP stack: Linux, PHP, JavaScript, Apache and MySql, with PayPal IPN and integration. Continue to maintain site and admin tools including shopping cart, algorithmic coupons, and security fraud alert features to reduce chargebacks.
Butte College Oroville, CA 2016 – 2018
Supplemental Instructor for Chemistry; Chemistry Lab Grader; Computer Lab Tutor; Weaving Instructor Assistant
Emergent Network Defense Washington, DC 2014 – 2015
Network security visualization using d3 and JavaScript, translating event data from multiple computers into real-time dashboard for visual assessment. Coordinated with a team of network security engineers and data scientists.
Technicon Oakland, CA 2011 – 2012 Boutique computer solutions provider serving various B2B clients
Senior programmer, designing and coding with GWT, Java, Spring, Freemarker, Lucene, and object model design.
Projects include REST-like library for content delivery of third-party engineering parts, complex manufacturing configurators, legacy web services speed and accuracy improvement, and ColdFusion installation maintenance.
Reach Systems, Inc Oakland, CA 2007 – 2009 Producer of internet controlled building security devices
Senior web applications developer for remote monitoring and control of building activity and user credentials. Front-ends for communications between proprietary hardware and agents in the security arena, such as Central Stations, security companies and private owners. Mainly programmed with Linux, Perl, and JavaScript. Work also included embedded web servers in security appliances, and customized voice tree systems.
Microsoft Financials Division (Volt) Redmond, WA 2004
Integrated Iworkflow system utilizing Excel templates as input and output reporting tools for regional managers. Results presented as OLAP data to national manager for analysis. Engineered Excel workbooks with VBA and ADODB to connect to SQL Server, with configuration tools to accommodate fast-changing requirements.
Utilikilts Seattle, WA 2002 – 2004
Reduced production run preparation time from 24 hours to one hour by retooling production planning suite. Integration Lead for Mas90 accounting system migration, synchronizing legacy employee, production and sales data. Created company’s bar code inventory system using AppleScript and Office for the Mac.
The Billys
WordPress upgrade of artist designed site, including custom plugins and templates. Previously upgraded site with Event registration and PayPal IPN system, converting difficult to manage site specs into human readable text that was converted into program logic and data.
Saratoga Springs Saratoga Springs, CA
Ajax-based event registration system, featuring customer login, customizable fields, and field validation. Created event administration configuration suite using custom HTML meta-markup language, supporting field definitions and custom display formats. Provided data inspection tools including Excel exports.
Over The Moon Media Los Angeles, CA
Using Microsoft Excel and VBA, created management suite to automatically digitally digest data from disparate telephone call centers, converting raw spreadsheet data to formatted data for national publication databases.
Other Experience
Assembly language, C, python, Erwin, nmake, Pascal, PL/1, PostScript programming and editing, Framemaker, QuarkXpress and other digital typesetting tools, iOS and Android programming, SOAP